Students in my COM105 Mass Media Communication class at Rider University wowed me, once again, with their excellent work and presentations for our “Team Challenge #2: Mass Media Timeline” assignment.
For the challenge, each team chose one historic event from homework service each decade — from the 1960s to 2000s — and showed us how the media presented/portrayed the event to the public. The assignment also included a “Now and Then” component where the team selected one of their events (from the 60s, 70s or 80s) and showed us how they thought the event would be presented by the media if it were to occur today, in 2011, rather than decades ago.
Once again, “Team Fierce” (Laura Garraty, Emily Mazzio, Caitlin McIntyre, Sabrina Safran and Katie Zak) created a video to present their assignment. Here it is on YouTube for you to take a peek at their impressive work! By the way, this time, Team Fierce won the challenge, and each team member received an “immunity coin” which they can turn in to me in place of doing one of the individual assignments in our class. Way to go, ladies!
As I continue to be impressed by my students’ creativity and independence this semester, I’ll continue to share more of their work with you. In the meantime, take care — and thanks for reading! 😉
Kathy Magrino
Awesome work!
Thanks, Kathy! I’ve got two great classes this semester at Rider (Persuasive Writing for the Media and Mass Media) and I’m so impressed with my students’ talents! Hope you’re doing well!! Let’s try to get together soon. 😉