Trying to decide what to write about today, I came across this post from Mark McGuinness: Creative Block #5: Being Disorganised. It arrived in my email inbox this morning — right on time! I realized that a lot of my frustration and overwhelming feelings this past week have been caused by the piles of papers, books and textbooks currently surrounding my workspace. (I’d share a photo with you, but I’m too embarrassed to show you the MESS!) 😉
Today, I’m going to find some time to “clean up my act” and get organized so that I can approach the rest of my week with more clarity and a better sense of direction. I recognize that I’ve been “blocked” by my disorganization and I needed this reminder that disorganization is a creative stop sign! (Thanks, Mark!)
Until next time, let’s adopt some organizational and time management skills from our more left-brain oriented friends and unblock our creativity! If you’ve got some tips to share about this topic, please let us know by adding your comments here. Thanks!
Kathy Magrino
I am like you.
My home office tends to clutter up fast with books, papers, etc. I find if I am feeling stuck, that if I take ten minutes to straighten things up, throw stuff away, etc. it releases a lot of energy.
Also, once every few months I’ll resort all the books in my home office, pack some up and store them in the basement and find some old favorites that have been packed away. This also releases a lot of energy.
Hope this helps.
Thanks, Sandy! It makes me feel good to know that I’m not alone with my “creative chaos”!! Tonight, I’m still in the “straightening up” phase, but I really need to get to the “sorting out and packing away” phase — maybe this weekend?! Thanks, again!