I originally posted this fitness checkup for your blog posts in November 2008 and recently “dug up” and shared this information with my students. I think it’s a good time to repeat this information here. (It’s always a good time for a “fitness checkup”!) How “FIT” are your blog posts?…
If you’re blogging, here’s a quick “FIT”-ness checkup for your blog posts.
Ask these questions: Is your blog…
F – FOCUSED on your audience?
Write your blog posts in a natural way, with a conversational tone that “talks” directly to your readers.
I – INFORMATIVE and Interesting?
Provide your readers with helpful information and links related to their interests and needs.
Is the information you’re blogging about timely or newsworthy? And, are you writing blog posts on a regular basis so that readers know to expect more helpful information from you each week… or month… or day?
For more detailed information about “Blog Basics,” see Jarad Krywicki’s helpful article in ThomasNet’s online newsletter, The Industrial Marketer.
I guarantee that if you keep your blog “F.I.T.,” you’ll gain more readers and success!
Until next week, happy blogging!
Kathy Magrino