In a blog post earlier this month, author Barbara Winter wrote, “Knowing that information exists that can answer almost any question is an enormous confidence builder— but that fact is frequently overlooked. While the helpless loser goes around whining, ‘But I don’t know how to do that,’ the successful among us are busy seeking information that will show them how. Then they get busy putting what they’ve uncovered to work for them.“
Barbara also quotes Eric Hoffer: “In times of change,” wrote Eric Hoffer, “learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.“
Now is the perfect time to learn more about topics that interest you.
I’m a big fan of education, always have been, and probably (hopefully) always will be, and now I’ve had the experience of being both a student and an instructor in the online learning environment. (Thomas Edison State College –; Rider University –; University of Phoenix –
The ease and flexibility of “attending a class” from anywhere you have access to a computer is amazing. Online learning is still in its “toddler years,” but it’s something to consider if you’re changing careers or simply seeking to learn more about any subject. Overall, I believe:
- Learning encourages creativity.
- Learning opens new “doors of opportunity” for us.
- Learning creates understanding and an open mind.
- Learning leads us to success.
Until next time, take care — and keep learning!
Kathy Magrino